Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All the cool kids are doing it!

Everyone is blogging these days, right? I'm not talented or witty enough to entertain you, but I thought I'd jump on this blogging bandwagon anyway! I needed a quiet, cozy space to put up some photo session sneak peeks, and sometimes Facebook is just a bit chaotic! So here it is, my little tiny corner of the internet. Welcome! I'm actually pretty excited about this new part of my world. We'll see how it goes, eh? I intend to keep up with it (better than I do with my laundry or my exercise regime!), so check back to see what I've been up to! Ok, I know... it's not me you want to check on... it's all these fun people I get to photograph! I was a busy girl with photo sessions and a wedding over the last week, and am on a little hiatus this week, but I'll get some stuff up soon for your viewing pleasure! Wow, run-on sentence much? This blogging thing might take some getting used to. :)

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