Monday, May 31, 2010

Take THAT, Rain!

I knew that if we just kept scheduling photo sessions for Jude, EVENTUALLY we'd have good weather! The third try was the charm! It was a HOT day, but with a little refueling here and there, Jude was raring to go! Oh, not to have his photos taken... just to go! And go. And go! I was watching him run around in circles at one point, imagining those areas in backyards where the energetic dog is on a leash, and there is a circle worn in the grass. :) Jude is going to be a big brother in a couple of short months! So this was a combination session of his 18 month photos and his mama's maternity photos. As always, I had a great time photographing this sweet little family. They are truly the nicest people on earth. And it's just a bonus that they have one of the cutest little boys on earth! Don't you agree?

Baby Deuce's (as Jen calls him!) first photo session... :) 

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