Tuesday, September 13, 2011

til we meet again....

mason's service was on sunday afternoon. it was a sweet service, and being standing room only, it was so clear how much mason was loved and how many lives he touched in his way-too-short time here on earth. mason was a very special kid and he will be missed by many. after the service, his family had a butterfly release in mason's honor. it was a beautiful moment, and his mom, stacy, wanted me to take a few photos for them. my prayers are with this beautiful family every day! may God give them peace and comfort during this difficult time, knowing that mason is hanging with Jesus, listening to music, and smiling that beautiful smile.


Kim Allgood said...

Thank you for the beautiful pictures you have taken of this special family. You have captured the closeness of this family and all the love everyone had for Mason, especially Stacy's love for him.

Kim Allgood said...

"Has" for Mason. Will always love him. I miss him so much.

Anonymous said...

I'm in awe of the serenity that radiates from these pictures. I can't imagine how torn their hearts must be, but the look on their faces is so... peaceful. You did a great job capturing such a cool moment. I'm sure they will treasure these.